Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Glaze much?

My work is finally out of the bisque fire!  I spent the whole class period glazing, and I expect to get the bulk (if not all) of my work back next week.  Yippeee!!

 Ding ding!  Here's a bell I made.  I'll take another picture sometime of the underside to show off how it's made.
Here are all the pieces I glazed tonight.  PHEW!  I did a lot of drizzly designs..normally I would just experiment on one and wait to see the results... but not an option this time.  I think a few will turn out very nicely, but a couple others I'm uncertain about.

Here's a close up of a marbled bowl I made.  Dark brown and white clay.  I glazed it "Grace's turquoise", which is beautiful and shows the clay body, so that the marbling will still be visible.